15. Ghosts Forge
Mimi, a former colleague of Maddie’s, turns up with the strange tale of a murdered hermit, and Jonathan agrees to help despite Maddie’s jealousy.
Ezra Carr lived a solitary life for 20 years, so why would anyone try to kill him? And why didn’t they steal any of his valuables while they were at it?
Upon heading to the creepy scene of the crime to check it out, Maddie baffles the cocky Mimi with a tremendous disappearing trick of her own.
We analyse the episode, locate some location information and track down some utterly bizarre factual real-world connections to details in the show.
Did you know that Jonathan Creek from Melbourne (‘The viral video guy’) is a foremost authority on the art of online marketing? We hear some of his secrets and top tips.
Ghosts Forge was the fourth episode of series three of Jonathan Creek, airing on 18th December 1999.
Written by David Renwick and directed by Richard Holthouse, guest stars included Gina Bellman, Lysette Anthony, Jim Bowen, Mark Aiken and Sara Stephens.
Like, Comment, Share, Buy - The Beginner’s Guide to Marketing Your Business With Video Storytelling, written by Jonathan Creek, was published in 2021 and is available from a range of locations online.
Get Your Creek On can be found on all good podcast platforms (and some crappy ones too), including Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music and Audible. Episodes can also be located on YouTube, or you can listen to them on the website: https://www.getyourcreekon.co.uk/
Contact the show by email: getyourcreekon@gmail.com
Twitter: @creekget
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